Serjio Acevedo

Principal Consultant at Intercultural Ace Consulting


Since 2010, Serjio Acevedo (He/Him/El) has helped organizations and individuals effectively bridge across cultural gaps with intercultural theory and practice through intercultural consulting services. Serjio’s past intercultural consulting clients include Northern Arizona University, the California Community College Student Affairs Association, San José State University, University of California-Santa Barbara, Mission Community College, the California Association of Public Procurement Officers, Inc., Santa Ana College, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and others. Throughout his 25+ year career in higher education, Serjio has contributed his diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging talents within professional roles at many educational institutions across the USA from American University in the District of Columbia to University of the Pacific in California. Most recently, Serjio served as the President-Elect/President/Past President from 2020 to 2023 of the CA Council of Cultural Centers in Higher Education (CaCCCHE), a western regional professional network of identity-conscious centers and programs within community college, CSU, UC, private, and other institutions. Serjio earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Oberlin College and his Master’s Degree in Higher Education Administration from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Beyond his career, Serjio enjoys Latine/x/a/o social dancing, cheering with Chicago Sports enthusiasts, and hosteling in cities across the globe.
Who They Serve:


Educational Institutions



Non-Profit Organizations


Group Debriefs

Individual Debriefs

1-on-1 Coaching


Training Development

Service Format:




